GUTEN TAG! wie geht es dir??
( in honor of my new ties to germany from sister hess!)
This week was a test of faith, but one that DID NOT DISAPPOINT! We
struggled all week to find appointments to teach people, and to be busy but the
one thing we held on to was our faith. Faith the miracles were coming. WE are
told that exact obedience brings miracles? Well we are not perfect, but we are
perfect in our desires and effort to do HIS will. All week we had almost nothing
to do. The meetings with other missionaries and interviews just kept pushing us
through the week. The spirit was just saying, keep going, there is a miracle on
its way. And I knew it would be the baptism.
I will share an experience about one night tho. On Friday night we usually
play basketball at the church but currently the church is under some
construction. So we spent time with Brother Chapman, ( one of the members who I
am extremely clsoe with) getting greceries and things we needed. We came home
and ate lunch. I was feeling rather discouraged feeling like we had not done
much to help out the work in our area. But I felt we still could... So Elder
Shupe and I knelt down together, ask for forgiveness and jsut as joseph did. We
asked in faith. Pleading to Him our desire to serve, but expressing our lack of
wisdom and knowledge of how or where to go... so we prayed and stood up and
walked out the door (not knowing beforehand the thigns that we should do ;) but
we just walked, and I just was waiting... so afraid to open my mouth but
willing! and in my mind over and over I felt the spirit saying SOMEONE will
listen to you, someone out here tonight will listen...
well we walked a good mile and sat down it was almost nine o clock by then
and kinda looked at each other and said... well? guess we will go home...
holding out in my heart a prayer. KNOWING A MIRACLE COULD STILL HAPPEN! and
would :) I was just trying so hard to listen to the promptings... I was playing
in my mind stories I have heard of missionary miracles late at night hoping we
could have one... well right before we turned into our complex we noticed a man
waiting at the bus stop... ha :) I knew that was him... told elder Shupe, hey
lets go talk to that guy:) so we did... said hello tried to start up friendly
conversation and didnt go so well... so I just offered my hand and told him if
we could do anythign for him to let us know. he thought we were from a business
but i told him no! Missionaries! And he was curious and I explained to him our
beliefs.. the most imcredible part was the spirit gave me the words, that the
"Fullness of Christ's gospel" was restored to the earth... he repeated out those
words and said alright... ill call you guys. and then the bus came... I gave him
a book of mormon and he got on the bus and left.
Nothing will probably come from it, but it doesn't matter... Elder Shupe
and I were beaming... a day that potential was nothing, changed into one where
we listened to the spirit and acted in faith... and now we were successful. The
gospel was sounded in that mans ear.
This is what I testify of... when we desire to do the will of the Lord, and
live lives worthy of his spirit all we must do is act on the faith we have.
There is joy and peace and CONFIDENCE that comes with that!
The baptism was one of the most incredible experiences ever... sis Hess and
Lukas and Maria! A woman elder Langi and I found at a gas station (who the
sister started to teach) were all baptized in the ocean! The member who referred
and fellowshipped sis hess spoke and I felt the pericing joy that filled her
soul know SHE was an instrument! And her husband the man who invited Ian to come
play basketball stood by me as we watched Bro hess baptize his wife. The spirit
that filled me was indescribable and on sunday when I had the HONOR to confirm
them members, overcome me... how could a soul, so rebelious and proud as mine...
be blessed to help these people, and become such great friends. ONLY in the name
of christ... "there is no other way or means whereby man can saved only in and
through Christ."
Elder Langi and I and along with all the hess boys justine and aiden (the
twins) and lukas all sang I am a child of God and that touched my heart.
After we were done confirming the newest members of the ward... i jsut sat
back in my chair... looked around at these faithful new members... making
covenants and this ward with familes and jobs and things they need to do who are
working so hard to hasten this work, the other missionaries who like me miss
their families and friends so much... and I just cried... I was just overcome
with the spirit... I KNOW without a doubt, with a great certainty the the Savior
Jesus Christ lives. And He leads this work... I know that is true. I give my
witness... and ask the Angels above to record it, (d and c 62:3) that I know and
will give my life to Him who created us. I know he is there, i know that the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Lords kingdom on the earth,
that the book of Mormon was given to us to bring us closer to our Savior and to
know for ourselves withersover we should go. It is all through Christ. I love
this work, I love this place, I love this people and will go where he wants me
to go, I will do what he wants me to do, I will be who he wants me to be. I am
afraid at times, I lack knowledge, I am young, but I know He will help. To
everyone I say (d and c 128) Shall we not go on with so great a cause? Go
Forward, not Backward. COURAGE,BRETHREN! and on, on to the victory!
Malo Aupito
Elder Nelson
Be Not Afraid; Only Believe
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