The following is the email we received from President Cusick regarding On line Proselyting. It is followed by Elder Nelson's weekly letter. Thanks for your love and prayers on behalf of our missionary! We love and appreciate you all!
Regarding: Elder Nelson
Regarding: Elder Nelson
Your missionary has been selected to participate in online proselyting. This means that he/she will be spending time each day using Facebook to do missionary work. Only missionaries who have shown exact obedience to mission rules will be allowed to do online proselyting. This is a wonderful opportunity that will bless the life of your missionary and the people he/she reaches through the Internet.
Your missionary’s Facebook page will be a tool for missionary work in the Tampa Florida mission. It is not to be used for communication with friends or family. We have asked your missionary not to make or accept friend requests from family members or friends back home. The only exception to this is that they may invite parents and siblings to be Facebook friends. This is so you can see what your missionary is doing and assist in missionary work by answering questions and becoming friends with those he/she is teaching. It is not for you to use to communicate with your missionary. Please do not post to your missionary’s timeline or make comments or use Facebook messaging or any other Internet tools to communicate with your missionary. All of your communication with your missionary should still be done using his/her email account on preparation day. This is necessary to keep your missionary focused on the work and not distracted by non-missionary communication. If families cannot abide by these rules, your missionary may be required to un-friend you or may lose the privilege of online proselyting. We are asking you to be obedient just like your missionary so he/she can receive the blessings and miracles that come from obedience.
Thank you for sending us such a fine missionary. We love them.
President Mark D. Cusick
Florida Tampa Mission
Dear Family,
Dear Family,
I really am soooooo excited for your new callings... this is the most
important work in the world, and you two are in the middle of it! for now you
guys can just create a plan! unless you already have one?? man, dad should talk
to our current ward mission leader for our ward! He's amazing and we work with
him A TON! what are the missioanries names? where are they from? did bryce just
not want to keep going? i think he just likes being in shape :) haha i tell
everyone out here how much of a stud he is so its okay:) haha. those ladies haha
sis manwaring was sitting next to me at dinner last night! and did sister ball
and ashley ball add you too? man they are so cool! we taught one of their friends in
their home last night! they have the cutest family! ha sis manwaring found you
and said "wow she is beautiful!" thought you would like to know that ;) for
thanksgiving we are going to the freestones and the lewis' and then christmas we
are going to the Belisles and the giboneys :) ha so excited! I heard you talked
to sister belisle this week! how did that go?? :) I LOVE LOVE LOVE HER and her
fam. we are going there for dinner tonight!
also president cusick and i are beginning to talk more (not much) but more,
and I feel i am understanding truely why he is here in the mission im serving
in. He is truely an inspired man, and most of all he is an obedient man to his
Lord. It reminds me of how obedient the prophet joseph had to be and how the
prophets and apostles now have to be and are! also he said to me and sis
manwaring last night how much support I really have... and wow... I do have so
much support... so many ppl praying for me and helping me and writing me and
wow.. i am just almost brought to tears realizing how lucky I am to have an army
behind me to fall on if I ever lose fire! THANK YOU! I am so grateful to you
mom, the whole family and everyone else!
This week was incredible! we started out rocky! (after the hess's getting
baptized and moving) we kinda were at a loss for work and not quite sure where
we needed to be and what we needed to do! but we prayed and prayed and prayed
and stayed obedient stiving to wake up and study and listen to the spriit having
faith the lord would help us find ppl... well now we have 3 progressing
investigators, the ward is helping us so much and loves having us over for
dinner! and we just testify of missionary work! they are beginning to catch the
vision and the wave!
We taught the mother of a Less active recent convert who wants to stop
smoking but SO interested and ready to learn! we taught one of the members good
friends who is young but ready to really find out what is in this life that will
bring him ture happiness he will SO get baptized once he really sets his mind!
and the friend of a young girl in the ward who is hungry to learn more of God
and what he wants to do for us and she came to the church of Jesus Christ of
latter day saints for that knowledge. She is truely prepared!!! I got down on my
knees... humbled... because the Lord kept his promise. as he always does, and i
realized how unworthy for it i really was.
The miracles that have happened are just the beginning of what is to come!
Elder Shupe and I are working together, hard to become obedient and qualify for
more miracles, cleansing our hearts of all ungodliness and become truely
converted! I am sorry i cannot write more. But there is a spirit hovering over
south tampa, one that is sparking a fire of testimony! and desire to do right! I
love this work... I love my lord and savior Jesus Christ! I know he
Elder Nelson
Be not Afraid; Only Believe
P.s. today we received an email that we have been picked to begin online
prosyliting on facebook! in the coming week or two that will begin! I will keep
you updated! Now is the time for us the Hasten this Work!
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