We welcome all to follow along as Elder Nelson shares with us his experiences as a full time missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. These are truly they best 2 years FOR his life!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Temple Trip

Dear Family,

Danielle was baptized on Saturday. Her husband Chris came and it was
very good. She asked Elder Spach to baptize her and me to confirm her,
it was an experience like nothing else. Giving someone the Holy Ghost
who once had it but had lost it. I felt the love God had for her and
how REAL the atonement and the redeeming power of it was and had
played its role here. I know that all of us can change and can receive
all the blessings we desire. I know that we all can be worthy of the
blessings God wants to give us. After the blessing there was a sense of
relief and peace that was tangible.

We taught Jessica and her Bf Alex at the Stewart's this week. The
Stewart's are a young couple with a baby, I've mentioned them before.
Bro. Stewart is going to Lecom ( medical school ). Both BYU graduates.
He is award missionary and teaches gospel principles. They are such a
great family. They took a few principles from preach my gospel lesson
2 and each taught a portion of the lesson! Seeing a family teach
together with the missionaries to a new member just felt so perfect.
Sis. Stewart made dinner for everyone, it was just exactly what I want
for my family. You can tell their priorities are right in line with
what the Lord wants.

Bro. Draudt another Ward missionary plays basketball with some boys at
the complex we live in. ( the Stewart's and the Draudts live in our
complex. Draudt is in dental school. ). He befriended a boy and gave
him a pass a long card. Well a couple days later we passed him on the
street and invited him to learn. He's only 14 but he accepted. It was
very cool. He said he felt good as we explained the Restoration and
felt God was telling him to look more into it. The second lesson we
challenged him to read the Book of Mormon and after 3 days he was on
pg. 91! Ha! We are honestly wondering what the catch is! He is really
searching for an answer. Our only struggle is getting him to church,
we are working on that, he doesn't know anyone so he is a little
nervous, so pray that he is up to it!

Lastly, another family that lives in our complex, the Sevys, he is in
dental school. We taught Katelyn and again, it felt so good seeing a
family teach the gospel together, they have such a good story. Sis.
Sevy is a convert and she shared how it was very difficult for her
family to accept that she was becoming a member but now they are
sealed and have a 2 year old daughter!

This week the reality of how much time I have left really hit me. I
made a choice that I was going to step it up and talk with everyone. I
want to enjoy and work as hard as I can! Well, right as I made this
decision, Saturday... I got sick. Which got worse Sunday and after
church I just crashed. Monday I was feeling a little better, so I
wanted to get out and hit the pavement! Will turner the 19 year that
does studies with us and is preparing to go to Portugal
Will Turner , me and his brother
( loves
missionary work ) decided to spend the day with us. He got his bike
and we all got ready. Well it started to rain... And it was too bad so
I convinced everyone that we needed to just be strong and get out! So
we did, and it started raining harder, and harder, and it was now
pouring. Those of you who know Florida summer rains, he raindrops are
the size of golf balls! Within 5 mins of exiting our apartment we were
soaked, as we turned the corner E. Spach hit a pothole and crashed.
Went over his handle bars and his bike went into the lane of oncoming
traffic. There was only one car who stopped so it was okay. Nothing
broken just a little blood. I was coughing more and we realized okay
maybe God doesn't want us to go out. Well after an hour of waiting of
course the rain cleared up and we went to the appointment which was
service! We did the service and Elder Spach really connected with the
guy and got a return appointment. But after that I was down for the
count... I've been sick and in bed for the last three days! I don't
understand why lately I've really been struggling with feeling like
I'm not doing enough and when I decide to do more I get sick.

Tuesday morning was zone conference and it was all about diligence. It
was exactly on point with my thoughts lately. President Cusick
announced that because of all the member missionary work last year
we've had more success than ever! But now the member are warn out and
so many missionaries don't know what to do when not teaching
referrals. A lot of time being wasted. So we need to continue using
members and help them, but now we need to do all we can on our own!
There is a reason preach my gospel has both using the members and
finding through your own efforts, working with members is the better
way, the best way, but not the only way. We need to do both, so we can
now tract. We need to be with the people, inviting! I have recently
felt that I just have been missing out on that missionary feeling, being
with people inviting them, talking with them! I've gotten so used to
the way we were doing it, I've gotten pretty bad at being a
missionary. I hate to admit but I get scared talkin to people. It's
pretty humbling admitting that but I am asking for divine help. I feel
like I need to recommit and kind of start over.  I think the Lord was
preparing me for this. It feels right. And I think it's an act of his
love, granting me a fresh new beginning. And I am going to take it.  I
am so grateful that the Lord knows me, He knows what I need, he knows
what I am missing he know what will help me grow the most. I am so
worried I will finish and realize I could have done more, I understand
that members are trying so hard and will help us when they can, but I
need to consecrate my 2 years I promised Him.

I hope from these experiences all of you can see and feel what I felt
this week. Pure joy comes from teaching the gospel in your home and by
giving your all to every calling you are given including full time
missionary service. I have made promises to my Father in heaven in the
temple and at baptism. I love him and love his children, I know he
lives. He has done so much for us. Pray I will get better soon and can
use every minute I have left. I will do all I can to please my father.
All I really want to do is please my fathers.

Be not afraid; only believe

Elder Nelson

P.S. Going to the Temple today! Tender mercy.

Some of he missionaries that will soon be heading home.  
One trip to the Temple in Orlando

Elder Nelson

Elders Nelson and Spach finally get to visit the Temple!

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